“Detroit: Become Human” is a story-based and decision-heavy game developed by French developer group Quantic Dream, which created a game of similar playstyle titled “Heavy Rain,” which followed the story of a mourning, once successful father who will do anything to get the clues that lead him to the location of his kidnapped son. In "Detroit: Become Human," the year is 2038 and human technology has skyrocketed. Multi-billion dollar company CyberLife has developed human-like androids that act as personal servants to any average American citizen. Housework, taxes, attending to a child, even sex can all be done with a CyberLife android at your disposal. However, when these androids witness and experience abuse and neglect first-hand due to their reliance in the American workforce, the question arises; who’s more human? The game has you play as three androids; Markus, Connor, and Kara, each playing their own roles in the futuristic and industrial Detroit. Markus ha...
Son, Brother, and Journalism student with a love for sports
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